


abstract art piece on a white background that subtly integrates elements of DNA, technology, and ancient Greek philosophy

I believe the future of healthcare relies on the integration of smart and reliable technologies in medicine. Of course we shouldn’t ignore the philosophical debate that these implementations bring with them. Everyone ought to participate in this debate”.

My name is Yesser Falk. I am a doctor and this is my blog.

  • Digital Twins in Healthcare

    Digital Twins in Healthcare

    Imagine we have a time machine that allows us to see the outcome of medical interventions without actually doing them. We can test hundreds of possibilities and based on these tests we decide the optimal and personalized intervention for the patient. This time machine is called a digital twin. It is a digital replica of…

  • The Gut Microbiome’s Impact on Drug Efficacy

    The Gut Microbiome’s Impact on Drug Efficacy

    In groundbreaking research published in Nature Metabolism, Tian et al. explore how the gut microbiome can diminish the effectiveness of acarbose, a medication prescribed for diabetes mellitus patients

  • Human Search for Identity

    Human Search for Identity

    I have been watching a lot of animal videos in the last few weeks. It is fascinating to see how similar yet different animal and human lives are. The lives of three animal species were particularly captivating. Baby seals spend the first 10 days of their lives drinking their mother’s very fatty milk. After these…

  • Effects of Sugar on your Health

    Effects of Sugar on your Health

    Children born several years before 1953, the year when Britain ended sugar rationing, had 50 years later lower rates of diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis. These children had limited sugar intake in their diet due to sugar rationing, unlike those born after 1953.  Of course there is no one size fits all in nutrition, since…

  • Using LLMs like GPT-4 for diagnosing difficult cases

    Using LLMs like GPT-4 for diagnosing difficult cases

    A research paper about the accuracy of artificial intelligence models in complex diagnostic challenges was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). It tested GPT-4’s diagnostic capabilities on 70 medical cases.  These cases, extracted from the New England Journal of Medicine’s clinicopathologic conferences, represent complex and challenging clinical scenarios that often require…

  • Using LLMs like GPT-4 for differential diagnosis:

    Using LLMs like GPT-4 for differential diagnosis:

    Dr. Isaac Kohane has provided an example of one of the use cases of GPT-4 in healthcare in the book “The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond.” He is a pediatric endocrinologist and the Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. The use case discusses a real-life scenario.  A full-term newborn…

  • Is AI good or bad for humanity?

    Is AI good or bad for humanity?

    Will would AI change humanity

  • Noiseless Insights

    Noiseless Insights

    artificial sweetness and increased risk of glucose intoleranz. How sugar beverages may be better than artificial sweetened ones

  • How good are skin screening apps at detecting skin cancer?

    How good are skin screening apps at detecting skin cancer?

    More than 200 dermatology smartphone apps are out there. They can be used for self-surveillance, disease management, UV recommendation and teledermatology. Among the most popular apps in Dermatology are the ones that help patients identify malignant skin lesions or moles and refer them to a specialist.